ACIN I-05-09: (CalWORKs): Changes To The Enter-County Transfer (ICT) Process (1/20/09)

SB 1160, effective 1/1/09, changes the rules re: non-needy caretaker relatives receiving CalWORKs benefits on behalf of children who are dependents of the court, who are not eligible for federal Foster Care. These relatives are now exempt from the face-to-face interview requirement in their new county of residence when the family moves from one county to another. [Download]

ACIN I-01-09: Child And Family Services Review Parent And Foster Parent Survey (1/9/09)

Just a heads up to counties: a statewide survey of foster and birth parents is scheduled to begin January 2009. As part of the requirements for the federal review of California’s IV-E Program, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) will conduct four waves of a survey to obtain information about the frequency and quality of social work visits with parents and foster care providers. [Download]

ACIN I-09-09: National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (1/27/09)

Just a reminder to CWDs of their responsibilities under the Federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Counties must offer voter registration opportunities at all offices that provide public assistance and all offices that provide state-funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to person(s) with disabilities. A review of the do’s and don’t of NVRA, as well as asking counties to participate in a state effort to voluntarily report totals of those registered on a monthly basis. [Download]

ACL 09-03: Changes In Law Affecting The Regional Market Rate Survey, State Median Income And Family Fee Schedule (1/23/09)

The Ed code has been changed to align state law (annual survey of rates) to federal law (biennial survey). The letter also lists the “new” (frozen) Regional Market Rate (RMR) rates and the new (elimination) family fee for current CalWORKs recipients.

The state median index (SMI) used to establish the income ceilings subsidized child care was frozen for 2008-9 at the 2007-8 levels. (Families may receive subsidized child care until their income reaches 75 percent of the SMI. For the CalWORKs Stage One and Stage Two Child Care programs, the SMI applies only to former CalWORKs cash aid recipients including safety net families. Current CalWORKs recipients are categorically
eligible for Stage One and Stage Two child care.)

The 2005-6 family fee schedule will remain in effect until CDE releases the new family fee schedule. (Counties are “encouraged to check the CDE website regularly for updated income ceilings and family fee schedules in order to accurately determine income eligibility and family
fees for former recipients….”)

A recent statutory changes eliminates the family fee requirement for families receiving CalWORKs cash aid, including cases where the children continue to receive a CalWORKs grant such as safety net and sanctioned families. [Download]

ACIN I-06-09: Administrative Office Of The Courts Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Initiative (1/23/09)

Info on a resource for all things ICWA. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has developed statewide training materials and provide training and technical assistance to local courts and court personnel to help improve compliance with the requirements of the ICWA. Lots of links to resources.

ACIN I-03-09: CalWORKs/Food Stamps: Revised Eligibility/Status Report (QR 7) And QR 7 Addendum Forms (1/6/09)

A joint effort to improve the Quarterly Reporting (QR) forms for ease of client use, to simplify the questions, and to make the quarterly reporting process more efficient is done. Forms attached. Reminds counties that information about determining “completeness” of the document can be found at ACL 03-18 and ACIN I-29-04. [Download]