ACL 08-14: CalWORKs Wage Subsidies (4/10/08)

Mostly about county coding, but noted for describing AB 98. AB 98 added WIC Sect. 11322.63, which provides for CDSS to reimburse counties for 50 percent of a CalWORKs recipient’s wage subsidy outside of the county Single Allocation.The reimbursement is limited to a maximum of six months for each recipient. The amount of wage subsidies claimed outside of the Single Allocation may not exceed 50 percent of the maximum aid payment for the assistance unit of which the recipient is a member. In 2001, the state must report to the legislature about the wage subsidy program. [Download]

ACL 08-15: Department Of Homeland Security Interim Final Rule On New Classification For Victims Of Criminal Activity; Eligibility For U Nonimmigrant Status (4/4/08)

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 created U Nonimmigrant Status for certain victims of criminal activity. The feds created U Visa Interim Relief, since U Visa regulations not forthcoming. (See ACL No. 06-60 and ACIN No. I-41-07). An Interim Final Rule regarding New Classification for Victims of Criminal Activity and Eligibility for U Nonimmigrant Status has now been issued, effective October 17, 2007.

Now that an Interim Final Rule has been issued, USCIS stopped accepting U Visa Interim Relief applications after October 17, 2007. New applicants for SB 1569 benefits must now present evidence that they have filed for a U Visa (or have obtained one) if they do not have proof that they filed for U Visa Interim Relief before October 17, 2007. The letter includes an exemplary list of acceptable evidence. (Forms I-797, I-918, Form I-797; employment Authorization Document Category A19 or A20, etc.)

USCIS has indicated that petitioners who have previously been granted interim relief and have filed a Form I-918 for a U Visa will have their interim relief extended until USCIS completes its adjudication of the application. Therefore, cases determined eligible based on a request for U Visa Interim Relief prior to October 17, 2007 may remain eligible if a U Visa application has been filed (or a U Visa has been issued) or until a denial of interim relief has been issued. USCIS anticipates issuing the Final Rule on nonimmigrant U Visas sometime in the fall of 2008. [Download]

ACIN I-17-08: CalWORKs Program Hours Of Operations (3/3/08)

Just a reminder that the welfare offices have to to ensure that individuals can apply for and receive aid, including emergency benefits, when counties close their offices during regular office hours. (This was litigated in Blanco v. Anderson in 1995, in an order that also affected the Food Stamp and MediCal programs. However, this letter addresses CalWORKs only.) The county must provide a way to get applications and turn them in during an 8 hour/5 days a week period, and can use drop boxes or phone access.  Additionally, the offices must post info on applications, alternative resources, and office hours. [Download]

ACL 08-07: CalWORKs federal Work Verification Plan (2/21/08)

The ACL attaches California’s approved Work Verification Plan, and has a summary of the work participation documentation plan.  Comes with a reminder that CalWORKs rules apply, and any assignments are per the assessment.  All acitvities (except paid employment) must be monitored and verified on a monthly basis.  Documentation for unpaid work activities consists of a time sheet or the equivalent, which can be maintained by the participant, and signed by the supervisor, provider, or person verifying hours of participation. Counties can count actual hours of structured and monitored study time, if those hours are documented and verified. The countable study time is the actual hours, and is not related to whether or not, or to what degree, a course recommends a specified number of study time hours. Actual hours of study time must be verified using information that is documented in the case file or by contacting the service provider or recipient. Daily Supervision for educational and other activities is the supervision determined appropriate and provided by the training or service provider at the same level as other students or trainees. [Download]